Support Mental Wellness

#MentalHealthMattersHere #YouAreNotAlone
We all need help sometimes. When we do, we are grateful when help arrives. Most also hope for times in our lives when we can give help – a chance to pay forward or add to the comfort and care of others. FSC could not do the work we do without the support and involvement of people who want to help. Are you looking to make a difference? If so, we hope one of the ways noted below will inspire your support!
Be sure to stay up to date on all things FSC by subscribing to our emails (you can select just the types of emails you wish to receive) and connect with us on social media!

Make a Donation
The collective effort to support mental health is greater today than ever before. Unfortunately, so is the need.
The more we can move out from the shadows of shame, secrecy, and misunderstanding and into the light of understanding, trusted guidance, and accessibility, the stronger our community becomes. This happens when we work together as a community and support one another.
FSC offers expert guidance to families on their unique mental health journeys. Today, crisis is too often where journeys begin. Your donations allow FSC to remove obstacles to access:
- Counseling to hundreds of individuals and families. Regular sessions provide relief from symptoms of depression, anxiety, trauma, and grief, etc.
- Multilingual services. FSC now offers counseling and tailored educational programs for our Spanish and Mongolian speaking neighbors.
- Educational programs customized by FSC experts. Topics range from recognizing signs of trauma after tragedy strikes families or our communities to supporting parents navigating the digital frontier and identifying the signs of anxiety and depression.
- Health and safety assessments. Students identified as high risk for self-harm and/or suicide are referred to FSC to complete a Health and Safety Assessment. FSC assesses their level of risk and makes recommendations for treatment.
- Community crisis response. Trained trauma and grief counselors assist community organizations, often on-site, when facing unexpected tragic circumstances such as suicide, death, and criminal or violent incidents.
- Trusted resources. A growing digital library of trustworthy information to help find answers to frequently asked mental health questions and how to navigate accessing services when needed.
Due to the pandemic and other societal influences, the need for all these services has risen sharply – as have the costs to provide them. If you are able, please make a financial donation today.

Attend a Fundraiser
We work to create events that spark your philanthropic side, but also provide opportunities for connection, fun, creativity, laughter, and even a bit of exercise! Events are throughout the year – so read on to find the ones that meet your interests and availability. Have some fun and make a difference to those we serve.

Annual Kaleidoscope Benefit: All-In On Hope!-----------------------
Started in 2022, FSC’s annual benefit has become a must-attend for those who want to support mental health and have a great time doing so. Great fun, food, conversation, and chances to go home with amazing goodies from lots of your favorite places (thanks to all those generous businesses!). It literally has magic!
Community participation and the funds raised by this event helps FSC’s amazing clinical staff do so much to address such a great need around mental health. #AllInOnHope
Special thanks to FSC’s growing list of sponsors for their support and helping to make this an incredible night!

Chrysalis Luncheon-----------------------------------
A Celebration of Community and Those Who are Transforming Mental Health
Join us for this annual event where we honor those who are making transformational impacts on mental health in our area. Each year over 100 community leaders and FSC supporters gather at the Valley Lo Club in Glenview. We come together to honor and celebrate the collective, collaborative, and critical work that is happening in our communities each day to provide needed tools, resources, and counseling access for the many who have been affected by the cumulative mental stressors of these past years.

Pickleball Social-----------------------------------------
Pickleball for All! Rally for Mental Health at the annual FSC Pickleball Social
Each fall will fill pickleball courts with dozens of players who are there to Rally for Mental Health. A competitive spirit and lots of laughter are on display as players – both new and experienced in the art of dinking – play for bragging rights and a chance to win the night’s raffle prizes. In the Kitchen Lounge players and spectators can cool down and enjoy a chance to mingle, grab a snack and a beverage after their time on the court. Fun, fitness, and philanthropy made for a great night!

FSC Creative Experiences---------------------------------------
We know mental wellness means taking care of your overall health and wellbeing. Social connections, laughter, and creativity are a few ways to do just that, so FSC is offering fun and creative opportunities to grab a friend or meet new ones while also making a small donation to FSC. This is a great way to enjoy a night out, learn a new skill, and help support FSC’s efforts in the community.

Trivia Night -----------------------------------------
Teamwork + Random Knowledge + Laughter = FSC Trivia Night
10 teams came together and participated in FSC’s first trivia night on Leap Day 2024, “Leaping Through the Decades”. Ben of Max and Benny’s Restaurant & Deli did an outstanding job of leading us through 5 decades of trivia, 2 hours of fun, and 1 incredible night of support for mental health! Thanks to feedback from our teams, our next Trivia Night is scheduled and ready for February 20, 2025 at Max and Benny’s! Register here

Be a Sponsor
Our community is filled with local business and organizational leaders that seek not only for their businesses to thrive – but for the community as a whole to thrive as well.
Support options at all levels. We can work together to create a program for your organization.

Be An In-Kind Donor
Many generous businesses, families and organizations support the mission of mental health through a donation of goods, services, or gift certificates. These donations can be transformed into therapy supports (toys, creative play tools, office furniture, after-school snacks, etc.) and event supports (auction items, raffle prizes, beverages, desserts, late night snacks, etc.).
Donors will be recognized in a variety of ways (event materials, annual report, website, etc.) by the agency for their generosity and community support.
If you can help the mission in this manner, please complete this form, or contact or at 847.251.7350.
Current In-Kind Donation Needs:
- We are planning our biggest fundraiser of the year – Viva FSC! on Saturday, April 26, 2025. This year’s event, to be held at Fields Lexus in Glenview, will feature a night of entertainment, gaming, great food and lots of fun! For event support, we are seeking:
- Donations of goods, services and experiences to be part of our auction and as raffle prizes. No donation is too small, and all are appreciated!
- Beverage donations.
- Dessert donations.
- Late night snack donations

Buy a Butterfly
You Can Bring Hope…
The ripples of the pandemic will continue to negatively impact the mental and emotional health of many in our community. FSC’s experienced, credentialed, and compassionate therapists remain ready to help those who are facing difficulties.
So Others Do Not Feel Alone.
Your help makes a difference. Nearly 50% of the work at FSC is funded by donations. To better demonstrate that very real support to those who come to FSC’s offices, we created a Hallway of Hope. Your donation can add an engraved butterfly to let those walking FSC’s halls know that they are not alone.

Give a Gift of Stock/Other
Transformational Giving. Since 1913 families and community have benefited from the philanthropic generosity of those who value the impact of a community working together to make real change towards mental wellness and support services for all. For those who have the ability, we are grateful for transformational and legacy gifts. At FSC, this type of gift gives us the ability to build programs and extend reach beyond where we are today.
- A legacy gift does not need to impact your current finances. It can be funded during your lifetime or distributed from your estate.
- There is no minimum amount required.
- You can designate a particular program to receive your support or let it be used where most needed. It’s up to you.
These gifts can help ensure FSC is here for as long as needed – continuing the vital work around mental health crisis support as well as investing in prevention to avert the far too many family crises we see today. When planning for what happens after you are no longer here, please consider a gift towards mental wellness and your community. Every gift in any amount is deeply appreciated and makes a real difference.
Ways to leave your legacy in the name of mental wellness:
- Donations of cash, stock or other property.
- Estate planning options: A bequest, life insurance, or IRA designator.
- Charitable Gift Annuity, Donor Advised Fund

Be a Volunteer
While much of the work at FSC is done confidentially by licensed professionals, there are a variety of ways that community members can help through their time and talents.
- Events & Fundraising. Help events run smoothly by supporting planning or night-of event activities.
(Examples include: check-in, auction support, ticket sales, set-up and/or clean up OR pre-event efforts which can include planning committees, in-kind donor solicitation and/or item/donation collection from our many generous local businesses.)
Teens/Young Adults Welcomed to help with Night-Of activities including: welcoming and helping guests. - Outreach: helping to spread the word about mental health services. Join the FSC out in the community at local fairs, gatherings and wellness events… OR host your very own!
- Board and Advisory Council Members. FSC is always seeking passionate community members who wish to join our Board of Directors or Advisory Council to govern our organization, advocate for mental wellness, and be FSC ambassadors. Link below for more information.
- Events & Fundraising. Help events run smoothly by supporting planning or night-of event activities.

Make an Impact - No $$ Required
Nonprofits like FSC play a critical role in our community. They exist solely to serve the common good, save and improve lives and make a direct difference each day.
And just because you aren’t able to make a financial contribution, doesn’t mean you can’t make a difference to the work of FSC and bolster mental health in our community!
• Talk about and advocate for mental health support!
Talking about the work of FSC is a simple but powerful way to make an impact. Word-of-mouth makes a difference! You never know when a good word to a friend, neighbor, co-worker, or another local agency could lead to a critical connection for someone who needs or can make an impact in supporting the families who rely on FSC.
You can support FSC (and your friends) by attending one of the many educational programs that FSC puts on through community partners. To hear about upcoming events, sign up for our emails and check on our website calendar.
• Follow FSC on social media and sign up for (and read) FSC’s regular emails.
It may be the simplest thing you do today to make a difference: follow FSC on social media. In the process, you’ll help us reach more people who may benefit from or also support FSC’s mission.
Sign up to receive FSC emails (and be sure to white list them so they don’t end up in your spam filter!) You can sign up for all or only some types of emails FSC sends.
• Share content from FSC’s social media, website, and emails
Once you follow us, all it takes is one more click to share posts with your follower community. If a Facebook post or Instagram image catches your eye and resonates, take the extra step and share it. The simple act of sharing could allow someone who genuinely needs the help to discover FSC for the first time.
• Post original content
-Willing to take your social media support one step further for FSC? Take the time to write an original social media post explaining why you care about FSC and/or how the organization has made an impact on your life.
-Your personal touch means everything, providing encouragement to both FSC and insight to your followers, some of whom may be interested in donating or getting involved, or seeking services themselves.
• Promote and share about upcoming events
-Share FSC’s calendar and information about upcoming events! You can still ensure events are a success by spreading the word.
–Invite friends to participate by sharing flyers, emails, or social media posts. Reach out directly to individuals with interests that are relevant to the event, such as your cake-decorating co-worker or your gardening-loving neighbor. More fun for them, and more attendees for FSC —that’s a win-win!
-To hear about upcoming events, be sure to sign up for our emails and check on our website.
• Volunteer
-We are overjoyed to hear from potential volunteers! Reach out and see how you can make an impact by volunteering. While our clinical work is confidential, we do ask for volunteer help around our events and community outreach. Set up, check-in, pick-up and delivery drivers are a welcome form of support!
-If you have a special talent you’re willing to share, such as grant development, social media expertise, or spectacular graphic design skills, we would love to have you as part of our team! We are always interested in talking with potential future FSC Board and Advisory Council members as well! Learn more
• Start a Facebook Fundraiser
-You can start a Facebook Fundraiser to support the nonprofit of your choice and invite your followers to join you in making a difference. There is no cost to you and no obligation to make a donation personally—simply choose a nonprofit and ask others to give.
-Learning how to start a fundraiser on Facebook is easy with their step-by-step instructions. Facebook will even keep a running total of how much your Fundraisers have raised for charity over your account’s lifetime!
• Tell our Grantors and Donors Thank You!
The philanthropic spirit that supports FSC is incredible! Ask any of our donors or sponsors why they do it – and we suspect that recognition will not cross their lips. However, who doesn’t like to hear the occasional THANK YOU for your generous support of our community!
We encourage you to engage with and support the businesses and organizations that support FSC (and so many other worthy organizations in our community!). When they thrive, our entire community thrives! Together We Fly!